Talk 7: Hey Gilbert, what’s tech doing to our teens?

“Hey Gilbert, what’s tech doing to our teens?”
#cyberbullying #suicideprevention #depression #healthymind #mentallystrong

Join Gilbert Talks in a conversation about the impact of technology on teenagers. Social media acts as a powerful tool keeping us all connected, and yet the dark side can lead to depression, addiction, obsession, alienation, and in the extreme to suicide.

Experts will talk about the impact of technology on our teens and you will have an opportunity to interact during this Talk 7.

– Adam Brooks, Founder of Youth Awareness and Safety, speaker, author
– Kelsey Oney, Co-Founder of The Commit Campaign
– Dr. Kimberly Wright, Clinical Psychologist specializing in adolescent development

Banner Gateway Medical Center
Grand Canyon Conference Room
1900 North Higley Road, Gilbert, AZ, 85234

April 11, 2018, 6pm to 8:30pm

Hosted by Gilbert Talks
Tim Colquhoun, Ben Cooper,  Alan Fitzgerald, Jim Hayden, Howard Morrison, Tad Peelen, JW Rayhons, Don Skousen, and the Gilbert Talks Advisory Board.