Talk 8: You Matter! Building Gilbert Together.

Gilbert Talks starts the conversation about how new and long-time residents find their passion to serve and connect in one of the fastest growing cities. Now with a population of 240,000 and growing to 300,000, we are the 89th largest city in the USA.

We all have our passions and places to get involved, whether the organization is faith-based, civic, or non-profit. We will explore ideas around diversity, volunteerism,  and support for local business, and how to find opportunities to build a great Gilbert community. You will have an opportunity to interact through table talks during this, our 8th Talk.

Session A: Business, Kimber Lanning
Session B: Civic Engagement, Brigette Peterson
Session C: Faith, Denny Barney

HD South
Home of the Gilbert Historical Museum
10 South Gilbert Road
Gilbert, AZ 85296

October 24, 2018, 6pm to 8:30pm

Hosted by Gilbert Talks
Tim Colquhoun, Ben Cooper,  Alan Fitzgerald, Jim Hayden, JW Rayhons, Don Skousen, and the Gilbert Talks Advisory Board